Adrian Kowalski’s humble beginnings started over 30 years ago

Our History

30 years ago...

Adrian Kowalski’s humble beginnings started over 30 years ago when he was one of the very few social workers in communist Poland. He worked continuously to support underprivileged children and their unemployed parents in the poorest cities and districts in Poland.


It took many years until he was noticed by ASHOKA and became its member. ASHOKA is a global movement that empowers and enables young people to lead and become changemakers for the good of all.


Creation and implementation of the motivational and preventive program Ambassadors of the Impossible;

Who is the Ambassador of the Impossible?


In 2016, a training program for foster families and workshops for children from foster families was created


Establishment of the Silesian Preventive and Motivational Center for children, youth and their families, which from 2022 has its own research facilities, conducting research on the mental resilience of children and adolescents. 


Conference on Mental Resilience

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